RiverLife Weekly #39: Disciple Making Cell Groups
The goal of our cell group is to spur one another on in pursuing God, growing in our understanding of who He is and obeying Christ’s Great Commandment and Great Commission (Matthew 22:35-40, Matthew 28:19-20). This can only take place in the context of loving, healthy relationships.
Such disciple making cell groups will bear five characteristics:
1. They abide in Christ. (John 15:1-17)
This is coming into His presence and experiencing God as He really is through deepening intimacy with Him. Shepherds model listening to God in communion, and for discernment and direction. Help each member nurture their relationship with Christ through regular prayer and Bible intake; equip parents and grandparents in the group to help their children and grandchildren follow Christ and serve Him.
2. They practice one-anothering.
This is demonstrating God’s love to an ever-growing network of others as He challenges us to love beyond our comfort level. It is listening attentively to another’s story, openly sharing our story and being a sensitive witness of Jesus as humanity’s ultimate hope. Shepherds help members love each other, serve others and work through conflict.
3. They get everyone involved.
This is the priesthood of all believers (1 Peter 2:9). Disciple making starts with evangelism, and continues with nurturing infants and developing spiritual parents. Each of us has a role in the process to reproduce spiritually. Shepherds help each person to discover and use their spiritual gifts.
4. They are reaching out to others.
This is being a living epistle as God’s Word becomes real in our life, our vocation and calling. Jesus said we would be fishers of men. As a group, we introduce people to Christ and nurture new converts. We raise disciples not only to help them reach their community, but also to go to the nations. And we undergird all evangelistic efforts in fervent prayer.
5. They are familiar with spiritual transformation stages.
This is expressing the fruit of the Spirit as a lifestyle and identity. Practically, we identify the level of spiritual maturity of each cell member and nudge each one towards the next stage. Familiarise yourself with our Disciple Making Road Map, a pathway to grow young believers to maturing disciples.
These five characteristics operate in cell groups to grow disciples who make disciples. Cell group starts with the building of spiritual friends. The next step is to move from friendship to discipleship.
Pastor Ben KC Lee
The goal of our cell group is to spur one another on in pursuing God, growing in our understanding of who He is and obeying Christ’s Great Commandment and Great Commission (Matthew 22:35-40, Matthew 28:19-20). This can only take place in the context of loving, healthy relationships.
Such disciple making cell groups will bear five characteristics:
1. They abide in Christ. (John 15:1-17)
This is coming into His presence and experiencing God as He really is through deepening intimacy with Him. Shepherds model listening to God in communion, and for discernment and direction. Help each member nurture their relationship with Christ through regular prayer and Bible intake; equip parents and grandparents in the group to help their children and grandchildren follow Christ and serve Him.
2. They practice one-anothering.
This is demonstrating God’s love to an ever-growing network of others as He challenges us to love beyond our comfort level. It is listening attentively to another’s story, openly sharing our story and being a sensitive witness of Jesus as humanity’s ultimate hope. Shepherds help members love each other, serve others and work through conflict.
3. They get everyone involved.
This is the priesthood of all believers (1 Peter 2:9). Disciple making starts with evangelism, and continues with nurturing infants and developing spiritual parents. Each of us has a role in the process to reproduce spiritually. Shepherds help each person to discover and use their spiritual gifts.
4. They are reaching out to others.
This is being a living epistle as God’s Word becomes real in our life, our vocation and calling. Jesus said we would be fishers of men. As a group, we introduce people to Christ and nurture new converts. We raise disciples not only to help them reach their community, but also to go to the nations. And we undergird all evangelistic efforts in fervent prayer.
5. They are familiar with spiritual transformation stages.
This is expressing the fruit of the Spirit as a lifestyle and identity. Practically, we identify the level of spiritual maturity of each cell member and nudge each one towards the next stage. Familiarise yourself with our Disciple Making Road Map, a pathway to grow young believers to maturing disciples.
These five characteristics operate in cell groups to grow disciples who make disciples. Cell group starts with the building of spiritual friends. The next step is to move from friendship to discipleship.
Pastor Ben KC Lee