Pastor Ernie Song rounded off the last message in the Revamp series with the call to be holy. He reiterated that the Revamp series is not meant to be a programme. It is meant to be a shift in the position in our lives with the Lord God, and it is never too late to start. Furthermore, this shift is to be a new normal in our lives. 

In Revelation 1, we see that Jesus is jealous for the Church. The Church and how we live our personal lives matter to Jesus. Whether the church is simply going through the motion or on fire for Jesus, whether it is a church of the world or a church of the Word, whether it is a church that seeks fellowship or membership, and whether the church is about men or God matter to Jesus! Pastor Ernie shared the following points on why it is so important for us to be holy:

1. We are the Bride of Christ and we are set apart for the Bridegroom (Isaiah 54:5, Ephesians 5:27)

2. Nothing gives Satan greater unholy pleasure than assaulting the Bride of Christ. Thus, the Spiritual War we are in. (John 10:10a)

3. Satan cannot make us do what we do not want to do. Therefore, he seduces us to corrupt our thoughts and manipulate our feelings. (John 8:44, 2 Corinthians 11:14, 11:3)

4. Satan's ultimate goal is for us to fall into sin and be bound in sin. (1 Peter 5:8, John 10:10a)

Pastor Ernie then zoomed in on seduction by going through Genesis 3:1-13. Even though the Garden of Eden was the most perfect place on earth, yet there was the Serpent! The main pointers on seduction are:

1. While we are here on this earth, there will always be serpents, no matter which garden you are in.

2. The enemy always appears in moments and places where it seems most unlikely. Adam and Eve were in perfect communion with God in the Garden of Eden, yet they fell into sin. Often, people can fall into sin after a powerful encounter with God!

3. A mature spiritual life does not shield you from the enemy's seduction. King David fell into sin with Bathsheba at the height of his military victories. 

James 1:14-15 speaks of the Cycle of Sin. Giving in to Temptation results in Lust & Desire, which in turn leads to Sin. After Sin, comes Shame. Satan is involved in the first part, that is, Temptations. We are responsible for whether we give in to such Temptations. A series of sins leads to the death of pure thoughts. This is a dangerous place to be! 

How do we arm ourselves against seduction? 

1. The Bible tells us to flee! See 1 Corinthians 6:18, 10:13 and 2 Timothy 2:22. While this applies to other forms of seduction such as money, relationships, etc, it is especially important for seductions that is of a sexual nature. There is no need to think or pray about staying in an illicit relationship. Just flee!

a. We must flee from Toxic Relationships. Examples include adulterous relationships, cohabitation, and pre-married couples going on holidays together. Pastor Ernie spoke on the stages of an illicit relationship and counselled on the need for those of us caught in such relationships to stop immediately!

b. We must flee from the Occasional High. Just like the ungodly belief that only the forbidden fruit satisfies, we must not be fixated in seeking such temporary and damaging highs. The Truth is only God satisfies our deepest needs. There is no high like the Most High!

c. We must not be seduced by the Pride of Life. Compared to God's Holiness, we are all bankrupt. Everything we have comes from the Lord and everything is from the grace of God. 

2. The Bible also tells us to stand firm! See Ephesians 6:11, 1 Corinthians 16:13 and Galatians 5:1. We stand firm on the Word of God. Satan wants to stop us from having an abundant life. For example, stand firm and take authority in the household and over our children. 

In conclusion, the Grace of God is such that He wants to spur us towards confession. We must take responsibility for our sin. There were two accounts of Man's creation in: 

Genesis 1:27 - the Hebrew word "Bara" which means to create out of nothing.

Genesis 2:7 - the Hebrew word "Yatsar" which means to form out of existing material. 

In Psalm 51:10-12, David was in despair over his sins of murder and adultery, and asked God to create ("bara") in him a new heart out of nothing. God can similarly deal with our sins!

Discussion Questions

1. Can you recall the topics covered in the Revamp series? As a recap, share with the group on a sermon that speaks most to you in this season, and why. [10 min]

Leader’s Notes: A recap question. This was the last in the Revamp series. The sermon messages covered the following:

a. Aligning ourselves to God’s agenda

b. A treasure worthy to lose everything for

c. God starts working when we realise our spiritual poverty

d. The call to commune: prayer & fasting

e. The call to give

f. The call to love

g. The call to know God’s Word

h. The call to be holy.

Leaders can help members to talk through the above topics and ask them to share which speaks most to them and why. As a final message for the series, leaders can emphasize that as Christians, we are the Bride of Christ, set apart for Him. Leaders may also reiterate that the Revamp series is not meant to be a programme. It is meant to be a shift in the position in our lives with the Lord God, and it is never too late to start. Furthermore, this shift is to be a new normal in our lives. 

2. Pastor Ernie shared on the stages of a relationship. When this applies to an illicit relationship, we are to flee immediately and to have no confidence in the flesh.  How are such dangers being minimized in today’s popular culture? What does the Word of God teach us? [10 min]

Leader’s Notes: A relate question. Members can share how temptations and sins, especially of a sexual nature, are now trivialized, and how in many ways, Christian values are being sidelined and considered out-of-touch or old fashioned. Leaders can then share from the following on the Christian worldview of marriage and sexual purity:

a. A man to hold fast to his wife – Genesis 2:24

b. Marriage is intended to be permanent – Matthew 19:6, Mark 10:9

c. Marriage should be about mutual well-being and devotion – Ephesians 5:25-30

d. Marriage should be exclusive and sacred – 1 Corinthians 7:2-5.

3. Pastor Ernie shared that while we are here on this earth, there will always be serpents, no matter which garden you are in. Read Romans 7:14-25 on the persistent struggles of Paul. Consider 1 Corinthians 10:13 that “no temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful, he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear…” How can we arm ourselves against seduction? [10 min]

Leader’s Notes: A reflect question. Pastor Ernie shared on real-life scenarios where Riverlifers fall into sin having been tempted by sexual seductions. Leaders can ask members to share on the two principal approaches to overcome temptations: (a) flee, and (b) stand firm. Every person is tempted, including mature believers like Paul. Members are encouraged to share practical measures that they can take personally to avoid opening themselves to such dangers. Leaders can lead members to discuss how to focus on God and His promises as the primary ways to live a holy life and be victorious against temptations.

4. Pastor Ernie spoke on the stages of an illicit relationship (see diagram in the synopsis) and the need to arm against seductions. He also shared on findings from the Whole Life Survey conducted last year showing Riverlifers struggling with this. How as Christian brothers and sisters, can we help one another not to fall into such temptations?  [10 min]

Leader’s Notes: A response question. Leaders can go through Psalm 51:10-12 that speaks of King David making a confession to God after committing the sins of murder and adultery. How can we get a new heart out of nothing? Members can share on ways whereby the church or the Cell can foster a loving and non-judgmental culture so that sharing on vulnerabilities can take place. Consider Hebrews 10:24-25 on how we can love one another and build one another up. Leaders can encourage members to prayerfully consider their sins, confessing to God and one another. Finally, ask members to break into smaller groups to share and pray for one another.