We Will Overcome - Romans 8:1-2

Citing Romans 8:1-2, Pastor Benny Ho declared that we will overcome through Christ Jesus. He then asked the question why it is so easy to yield to temptation. This is because of our fallen sin nature which we inherited from Adam, but we are responsible for our own sins, i.e., the sins we commit. He then explained that our sin nature works from the inside out, much like how a worm eats its way out of the apple, and not the other way around. Sin is an inside job!

The struggle against sin is well captured in Romans 7:14-23. There is nothing wrong with the law, which is spiritual. The problem lies with our sinful nature, which is unspiritual – see Romans 7:14. As an illustration, Ps Benny Ho compared this to dealing with weeds during springtime. Just like the law did not bring about sin, the sun did not bring about the weeds. Weeds grew because of the condition of the soil (sinful nature) where the seeds of the weeds can be found embedded. The law brings light and makes clear the sins of men. There is an inherent bias in man towards sin, just like a loaded bowling ball tends to slide into the gutter or a crooked arrow is inclined to miss the mark. We want to do good but we often struggle to do good. This is the conflict in every man which can lead to having a guilty conscience.

What is the solution? This can be found in Romans 7:24-25 and Romans 8:1-2. As an illustration, Pastor Benny Ho pointed out that a metal bar held in position and hung freely between two poles by ropes would be dragged down by the law of gravity, yet if a sufficiently strong magnet was placed overhead, the metal bar could rise up because another law, that is, the law of magnetism, was at work. Similarly, while the law of sin and death continues to hold true because of our sinful nature, the law of the Spirit can enable the believer to live an overcoming life! Through the death of Christ, the condemnation to sin is done. That’s justification! Through the life of the Spirit, the compulsion to sin is also gone. That’s sanctification! Galatians 5:16-25 describes how an overcoming life looks like.

What is the key or secret to this life of victory? As explained by Paul in Romans 6:8-14, it is to crucify the flesh with its passions and desires, and to walk in the Spirit. Pastor Benny Ho taught on three steps to a life of victory:

a. REALISE – Know the facts

b. RECKON – To count on the facts

c. RESPOND – To yield to the facts.

The facts are I am crucified with Christ on the Cross, I am buried with Him through Baptism and I am raised with Him in His Resurrection. We must know that Christ has delivered us from the penalty and power of sin. We must then count on the fact that I am dead to sin (Galatians 2:20) and I am alive to God. That is, we must not be sin-conscious but Christ-conscious. Just as Paul said, we would yield our members to the Lord not as instruments of sin but as instruments of righteousness.

We can be truly victorious in Christ and declare the words in Romans 8:31-39 and 1 John 5:4. In particular, in Romans 8:37, Paul’s extravagantly declared that “in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him (Christ) who loved us.” God makes us more than conquerors through the power of the Holy Spirit!

Discussion Questions

1. Pastor Benny Ho used a few illustrations in his sermon. Share with the group on one which left an impression and what you have learnt.  [10 min]

2. Read Romans 7:14-23. Do you relate to what Paul shared about his inner struggle with keeping the law? Share an area in your life where you are having or had, in the past, such a conflict.  [15 min]

3. Read Romans 6:8-14 on walking in the Spirit. This is key to a life of victory. For each conflict or struggle identified in Question 2, reflect on how we can reckon the spiritual truth and respond to overcome sin. [15 min]