When global travel restrictions and lockdowns were in place, it put a break on some aspects of mission, particularly in mission sending. 2020 was a year of learning and adapting to new ways of doing missions.
We thank God for His provision and digital infrastructures that allowed us to continue communicating with our mission partners. Despite being unable to meet physically, technology allowed us to meet remotely. We learnt how to transit from in-person gatherings to conducting trainings, counselling and prayer meetings virtually (sometimes even with translation!)
Moving into 2021, it is our prayer that RiverLifers will gain a greater awareness of what is happening around in other nations, and continue to play our part in the Great Commission by sowing faithfully in prayer (Isa 56:7), finances or be part of our newly launched #MFH (Missions From Home) initiative!
“While it is daytime, we must do the works of Him who sent Me. Night is coming, when no one can work.” John 9:4
May the words of Jesus also be our prayer as we press on to reach a lost world and disciple the nations for Jesus Christ!