The Rise Of The Church: The Kingdom Culture Of Honour - Part 1

Pastor John Koe shared that honour is part of Kingdom Culture. To honour is to recognise, to acknowledge, to express the esteem, the worth; giving weight and respect to someone. Revelation 5:13 says that everything honours God. How do we express honour to God? We worship God as our response. From 1 Corinthians 15:40-41, God's glory is reflected in His creation. It is God's glory that elicits response and worship is our innate response to God's glory. Ps John Koe said that ignorance can lead men to worship created things instead of God, the Creator. While we should not worship created things, we should honour others as every person carries a measure of God's glory - Man is created in God's image. 

Ps John also shared that the opposite is true in the kingdom of darkness and the spirit of rebellion, disrespect and dishonour has its origin from Satan. Dishonour also caused Satan's fall as he coveted worship which was directed to God. Adam and Eve dishonoured God when they chose to believe in Satan's words. They then departed from God's glory. God teaches us to honour Him alone through worship which restores the relationship with Him - see Malachi 1:6. However, like a frog which does not jump out of a slow-boiling pot, we risk not knowing how we might have dishonoured God when we live in a culture where dishonour is so prevalent. In 1 Samuel 2:30, God promises to restore glory unto us when we honour and worship Him.  

How do we honour God? Firstly, we believe in God by giving weight to His word - see Matthew 13:57 - for God equates unbelief with dishonour. Secondly, we put our faith in God as faith honours and pleases God. Thirdly, we give thanks to God for His goodness and blessings - see Psalm 50:23. Lastly, we are to honour God with our act of giving - see Proverbs 3:9 and Deuteronomy 8:18. 

Ps John shared on who we shall honour. The people we honour are:

1) our parents - see Ephesians 6:2-3. This is the first commandment with a promise of blessings and long life. On the Cross, Jesus modelled this for us - He honoured His earthly mother by making arrangements for her to be taken care of. Ps John clarified that honouring someone does not mean agreeing with the person. We are not to be quick to revile others we do not agree with. We are to identify God's glory in that person, giving honour when honour is due. 

2) all people, especially those in authority - see 1 Peter 2:17. We are to see people through God's eyes and regard no one from a worldly point of view - see 2 Corinthians 5:16. Ps John mentioned that for revival culture to set in the House of God, we must honour people for who they are. Dishonour defiles. Hebrews 13:17 also teaches us to honour the leaders in the church. The Bible tells of Paul choosing to honour the corrupt high priest Ananias (Acts 23:1-5) and of David repenting of his cutting of the deranged King Saul's clothes as he recognised that this dishonoured God's anointed (1 Samuel 24).

3) the people in God's family - see 1 Corinthians 12:23-28. Ps John exhorted us to build up and affirm one another, recognising that every gifting is placed there by God. We should prevent discord in the family. Honour is likened as the lifeblood that carries the life of God to flow from one member to another member in the Body of Christ. Dishonour can seriously wound the body of Christ. When there is disagreement, we must pray and pray, learning to see God's glory in one another through respect and honour. 

Let us follow Romans 12:10 and honour one another above ourselves, and give Jesus the highest honour!

Discussion Questions

1. Honour is essential in the culture of God’s Kingdom. To honour is to acknowledge, to express the esteem, the worth; giving weight and respect to someone. How can we honour God? [5 min]

2. Thanksgiving is one way that we can honour God. Share what are the ways God has blessed you. [10 min]

3. Pastor John Koe mentioned that dishonor is quite prevalent in our culture today. Share an example from one of the following areas where you can honour God more: [15 min]

a. in your personal relationship with God

b. in your marriage / dating relationship

c. in your family (with spouse and children)

d. with your parents and siblings

e. with those at work or marketplace

f. with those in church or ministry

4. Share one or two practical ways that Cell members can do to show honour to one another in the cell community. [10 min]