Living In The Kingdom

Pastor John preached about Living in the Kingdom of God.

(Matthew 4:17, 6:10, 10:7-8, 12:28, 13:10-15, Luke 4:43, 9:60, 62, John 18:36, Acts 1:3)

Jesus was sent to proclaim the good news of the Kingdom of God. He preached that “the Kingdom of Heaven has come near!” during his Messianic ministry (Matthew 4::17). Jesus was clear and focused about His calling to preach the good news of the kingdom of God (Luke 4:43). Jesus also displayed the Kingdom of God through signs and miracles (Matthew 12:28). True discipleship requires one to be willing to lay down everything and go spread the news of the Kingdom of God, without looking back or turning back (Luke 9:60,62).


The Kingdom of God not just in heaven or an ethereal realm. We can be, here and now, in the Kingdom of God.  The Kingdom of God should be the focus and pursuit of our lives. Our healings and provisions are found in the Kingdom.  The Kingdom of God is like a man who found a precious pearl. We need the help of the Holy Spirit to know the Kingdom of God. Our spiritual eyes and ears must be opened to see and hear.  We can live and thrive in the spiritual realm, the kingdom of God. 


Jesus focused and preached on the Kingdom of God - however it is something that we may have lost focus and minimised. This Kingdom includes things that we lose sight of - citizenship, rights, roles and responsibilities, the opposing kingdom.

We have been created to rule and reign – Genesis 1:26, Romans 6:16

Gen 1:26. - “Let them rule” Genesis 1:26 - we were created with authority. God is in the business of restoration. Romans 6:16 - we are slaves to the one who we obey - who are we obeying this day?

Jesus came to restore God's kingdom reign and rule on earth

(Colossians 1:21-22, 2:9-10, 2:15, Luke 10:19, 11:20, Acts 19:13-16, Matthew 16:16, 16:23)

Jesus came and lived as God in the flesh, He lived a perfect life and was crucified on the Cross – He handed the dominion and right to rule to those who will believe in Him. He bought us out of slavery (redemption). We are leansed of all unrighteousness by His blood.

Colossians 1:21-22 - we are faultless and restored by the blood of Jesus. The evil one no longer has control over us. Colossians 2:9-10 - we have been given fullness in Christ and have authority in Christ. The evil one can frighten and intimidate us to the degree of our ignorance of our fullness in Christ.


As we walk closer to the King, we grow in submission to and walk in His authority. Intimacy breeds authority. We operate in His authority to the degree we submit to His authority.  We often acknowledge Jesus as Saviour, but not as One who is Sovereign and King! Matt 6:16, 23

We need to be aware of God's realm and where we live. Which kingdom do we serve and which source do we work and tap in? We need to choose whom we will serve, to seek and understand our calling in the Kingdom and walk in it! “I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you.” (Luke 10:19). Jesus is what mankind is supposed to be like. He had modeled for us how one can live God’s Kingdom agenda to the fullest and has empowered us to join Him in living the Kingdom agenda. Won’t we begin the journey of walking out God’s Kingdom agenda?

Discussion Questions

1. What is “the Kingdom of God”? Share your thoughts with the cell. [10 min]

Leader’s Notes: This is a recap question. Leaders can ask members their understanding about the Kingdom of God – it could be a metaphor, from a book they read, or from a sharing or reflection. Leaders can also get members to share which pointer in the sermon spoke to them. Leaders can also choose parables about the Kingdom of God and get members to read and share what was the pointer that Jesus wanted to convey through the particular parable. Alternatively, leaders can ask members to refer to this website and to ask members to share their thoughts after reading it: Ravi Zacharias “What is the Gospel” / “The Kingdom Of God is within you

2. Pastor John spoke on the following in relation to belonging to the Kingdom of God. What, to you, is being a citizen of the Kingdom of God?

(a) Which Kingdom do we serve?

(b) Which source do we work in and tap into?

(c) Our identity in Christ

(d) Intimacy breeds authority. [15 min]

Leader’s Notes: This is a reflect and relate question – (a) to (c) are various topics where members can pick to reflect and share about being citizens of the Kingdom of God.

Leaders can ask members to share/reflect on…

(a) which Kingdom we serve? What does serving the Kingdom of God look like? It is a moment-by-moment choice. Will we serve money, power and fame, which are all a part of Satan’s kingdom (see Matthew 4:1-11)? Will we serve God’s Kingdom and follow the rules of His Kingdom?

(b) times where they depended on their own strength vs on God, how was it different for them? What are the different ways members tap in to God to remind themselves to depend on Him? Just as in Jesus’ day, one can be very religious and not be in Christ’s Kingdom.

(c) what are some aspects of our identity in Christ that you embrace readily or struggle with taking up? God’s will is for us to rule as His sons, and to represent His Kingdom as ambassadors.

(d) what are some challenges members face in growing in intimacy and/or in authority? An experience where they took up their authority in Christ and saw breakthrough.

3. What is one step you will take to growing in knowing, understanding and living the Kingdom of God? [10 min]

Leader’s Notes: A response question for members to share about how they can grow in the Kingdom of God – e.g. reading more about Kingdom, reaching out to a particular pre-believer etc. We can study the God’s Word on the Kingdom of God and ask God to give us revelation and understanding. We should seek to understand our calling in the Kingdom of God and walk in it. We have inherited great power from Jesus Christ. It is important that we follow the example of Jesus to live God’s Kingdom agenda to the fullest!