The Kingdom Agenda (Part 2 - The Emerging Kingdom)

Ps John Koe spoke about the Kingdom agenda – the restoration of the Kingdom (Matt 4:17, Luke 4:43). Jesus came to restore a Kingdom that was lost at the Fall, not to start a religion. In His ministry, Jesus spoke about repentance for the Kingdom of God is near. Through Jesus, we have reconciliation with God. Jesus came to re-establish God’s reign on earth.

Jesus is our good King, and His kingdom is good. Jesus demonstrated how man is made complete in the Kingdom.

- Sicknesses are removed (Matt 4:23)

- Demons are driven out (Matt 12:28)

- All needs are met (Matt 6:33, Matt 6:10, Luke 12:32, Matt 10:7-8, John14:12 and Heb 12:26-28)

We are called to do work – work for the Kingdom. This work is to preach on the Good News and to manifest the King’s glory on earth! Jesus initiated the work of the Kingdom and the church is to complete this.

Pastor John gave a recap on Jews vs Gentile Believers (shared in part 1)


Gentile Believers

Do not believe that Jesus is the King

Do not yield to Jesus as our King

Expect to receive only a natural Kingdom, and are blind to the spiritual one

Expect to receive only a spiritual kingdom, and are blind to the natural one.

1. God’s Kingdom is both spiritual and natural.

2. The restoration of His kingdom is first spiritual, then natural.

Pastor John talked of famines, humanitarian crises, shortage of water and earthquakes. He shared how these are the beginnings of birth pangs (Matt 24:8, Matt 24:14). There is a clash of the earthly kingdom and God’s Kingdom. This is the great and unprecedented end times shaking! He also spoke about the importance of preaching the gospel of Christ (Matt 24:37). We can take up citizenship in God’s kingdom by believing in Jesus Christ.

Discussion Questions

1. What is the “Kingdom of God”? What authority do we have as citizens of God’s Kingdom?  [10 min]

Leader’s Notes: A recap question, for members to share what they know and understand on the “Kingdom of God”. Leaders can ask the members to search on various verses that Pastor John preached about to look at what was spoken about the Kingdom of God. In essence, the Kingdom of God is where God reigns – see Ps 103:19. In heaven, God’s will is always done. On earth, we can re-claim the authority (Gen 1:26) lost in the Fall and restore God’s Kingdom by acknowledging and submitting to God as King.

God has made a divine covenant with us as His children. We can claim the promises found in the Bible with regards to His Kingdom. These relate to God’s blessings, power and glory. Ps John shared that the Kingdom is not just a spiritual concept. It is also in the natural. God does not distinguish between the natural and supernatural.

2. Read Matthew 24:14. Jesus told His disciples to preach the gospel to the whole world. Christians are often not effective in doing so. How can we be an influence in our world today and preach the good news of God’s Kingdom?  [10 min]

Leader’s Notes: A relate question for members to think about how we can be the salt and light in our world today. Leaders can ask members to think about the various contexts that God has placed us in, and share thanksgivings or struggles they face in the contexts they are placed in. Members can relate to how God’s glory can be reflected through the deeds and speech of others they come into contact with.

Leaders can also bring in other aspects that we may miss out e.g. caring for our environment, the lost or poor. Jesus also taught in Luke 19:11 for us to “repent, for the kingdom of God is at hand.” This means turning to God and obeying His will as expressed through the written Word and as received through the Holy Spirit in us.

3. We have a vital role to play in God’s Kingdom Agenda. Share with the Cell what God has placed in your heart as your unique and vital role in this season of your life.   [10 min]

Leader’s Notes: A reflect question. Members can share with the Cell on what God is calling them to do in this season of their lives to advance His Kingdom Agenda. God’s Kingdom Agenda is the winning of souls! Everyone has a role. By sharing, members can relate how their role in the ministry/service can make a difference. Leaders can encourage members to reflect how they can do their roles better and perhaps, collaboratively with others in the Cell or church. We all have different roles and we are required to do our part. What is important is that God sees the heart and we do by faith and leave the impact to Him!

4. Read Matthew 24:37-39 on Jesus’ comparison of the last days with the days of Noah. Jesus is returning! Are we ready? Share a specific thing that you will do to be ready for Jesus’ return. [10 min]

Leader’s Notes: A response question. Ps John shared on the various signs that the end time is near. There is urgency to do God’s work. Leaders can encourage members to identify a practical and personal area of their lives that they need to commit to get right with God now. Members to share with each other and keep each other in prayer. Leading questions are as follows:

- What is the church doing with the Gospel? What are you doing with the Gospel?

- The assignment is on us. What must I personally do to lead others to Christ?

- If I am not near God, what should I do to come into the Kingdom right now?