God Is In My Work Place

1. God is interested in your workplace. 

Every morning, we carry the Lord Jesus to our workplace. However, is He only a hitchhiker or an active participant? Like a briefcase being brought to work, do we leave it one side or open it up and let the content impact our work life? God desires for us to reach out with salvation and healing to our boss, clients, colleagues and vendors. We have unique knowledge of our workplace and no one can pray in the same manner we do. God is waiting for our partnership with Him!

2. God requires your service and partnership: 

I. Serve with excellence. Dr Leslie encouraged us to obey our boss even if we do not like them, and to serve with excellence. There can be 2 masters at the workplace: God or Boss? See Colossians 3:22-24. God instructs us to obey our boss so long as it does not contradict the Word of God and so long it is not against the law. Ephesians 6:7 also tells us to serve as to the Lord and not to men. Our excellent service is rendered onto the Lord and not done primarily to please our boss, clients and colleagues.

II. Serve with right attitudes (Philippians 1:27). We conduct ourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ.

a) Serve with Compassion (1 John 3:17 and Colossians 3:12).

b) Serve with Humility (Romans 12:16). Humility is not thinking less of yourself but thinking about yourself less. We need to challenge ourselves to relate with those of a low societal position, the disadvantaged, the marginalised, etc. Dr Leslie encouraged us to be a servant leader. Having humility is a strength, not weakness.  He also cited a study that showed that humble CEOs made more money for their companies.

C) Serve with Integrity (Daniel 6:3-4; Philippians 1:27). Are we people of integrity? What we do when no one is watching speaks about our relationship with God. Our Heavenly Father is watching! Dr Leslie encouraged us to be exemplary in our conduct. Dr Leslie cited taking stationery from the office, inflating of claims for expenses, and routinely going late or leaving early from the office as examples of cheating and having a lack of integrity. We may wish as Christians to prayerfully consider and behave in an exemplary manner even when no one is monitoring.

Ill. Serve with "the extra mile" (Matthew 5:41). Dr Leslie shared that Jesus went all the way in terms of his sacrifice. He shared about servanthood, and how going the extra mile is a form of showing grace and undeserved favour.

3. God releases His power

I. We have authority over the enemy (Matthew 16:19). Dr Leslie reminded us of binding, destroying, casting out, and loosening ourselves from the works of the enemy! Spiritual warfare is real. We must know where the enemy is coming from. Our part is to do the declaring of God’s authority over the spiritual forces. We must remember that the enemy (for some) is not your boss but the demonic forces behind him.

II. We have victory over the enemy (Luke 10:19). He encouraged us to pray before we start work, to invite God into our workplaces. We should surround ourselves with the presence of God. The enemy is subservient to us by the power and authority of God.

III. We have the power of the Holy Spirit (Acts 1:8)

a) To share the gospel (Mark 16:15).

b) To heal the sick (Mark 16:18). Dr Leslie challenged us to pray boldly. Our role is to pray. God does the healing.

c) To drive out demons (Mark 16:17). We should be sensitive to the spiritual needs of the people around us.

He ended off with the verse: (Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” And I said, “Here am I. Send me!”- Isaiah 6:8). We are to take God to our workplace and introduce Him to our colleagues.

Discussion Questions

1. In your cell, share one of the pointers in the sermon that spoke to you. [10 min]

Leader’s Notes: This acts as a recap question. Leaders can choose to go deeper into the topics or round it up as a recap for members to reflect on first.

Here are some possible pointers

  • God is interested in our work – how we tend to divide the sacred and the secular
  • Serving with excellence, the right attitudes, going the extra mile
  • Praying over our workplaces and the people we serve.

2. Share a principle / lesson you learnt about working with bosses / colleagues that has been helpful for you. How are you applying it in your work life?  [15 min]

Leader’s Notes: This question aims to let members share lessons they found valuable that they would like to remember in their work. It could be lessons that they learnt on their own, or from others. Leaders can also choose to deepen the facilitation process by asking members to share the context they learnt it. In addition to what Dr Leslie had covered, specific points from the Bible are:

  1. God is interested in your workplace – God uses your work to develop your character. For example, Joseph in Genesis.
  2. Serve with excellence – see Ecclesiastes 9:10 which says that “whatever your hand finds to do, verily, do it with all your might…”
  3. Serve with compassion and humility – see 1 Peter 3:8 which ties in humility with compassion when serving others.

3. Share with the cell one area of your work where you wish to claim God’s victory in. [10 min]

Leader’s Notes: Members could share with each other about their struggles and how they would like to claim God’s victory over any aspect of their work. If appropriate, leaders could also facilitate getting members to think about the lessons that they may be learning through the experience. Leaders can also do a fun activity together – getting members to write the struggles on paper that they want to claim God’s victory in, and proclaiming it loudly or tearing it!

4. Share a way you would to make God an active participant in your workplace. How would it look like? [5 min]

Leader’s Notes: This is a response question for members to take time to think about how they would want to invite God into their workplace. Leaders could ask members to imagine how things could / would be different. Leaders can ask members to share if they foresee any difficulties, and how the cell could pray for each other. The cell could also pray for people that the cell members would like to reach out to.