Let's Do Well Together In 2018!

As we reach the end of the first half of 2018, it is a good time to pause from our sermon series on Mark to review our journey in the last six months, and to renew our passion for the next half. SP Lionel looks back and shares what we have done from January to June and challenges us to move forward in the last half of 2018.  

REVIEW: What Have We done

1. A Year of Personal Preparation and Prayer. Stirred by God’s commands in Isaiah 40:3-5, we are to prepare the way of the Lord in 2018 by:

 a. Raising up the valley

  - Be strengthened and encouraged when we are down and out

 b. Making low the mountain and hill

  - Be willing to be humble, teachable and submissive

 c. Smoothening the rough ground and rugged places

  - Be willing to put aside our besetting sin, bad attitude, addiction, and carnal lifestyle

And what is God’s promise for those who are willing and prepared? “And the glory of the Lord will be revealed and all people will see it together.” (Isaiah 40:5)

2. Not just a RiverLife initiative but a National Resonance. Inspired by the Holy Spirit, church leaders across denominations have consecrated 2018 as a Year of Fasting and Prayer. We are to prepare our hearts spiritually before we can reach out and be the Antioch of Asia. To do that, we need to understand God’s Spiritual Rhythm:

  a. Drawing closer to God

  b. Drawing closer to each other

  c. Reaching out to others

3. In light of this spiritual rhythm, what have we done in the first half of 2018?

a. Drawing closer to God

  • Exposition of the Gospel of Mark over the pulpit
  • Personal devotion and cell discussion on the Gospel of Mark
  • Fasting and meditation on the suffering of Christ over Good Friday and the Easter season

b. Drawing closer to each other

  • Zone Pastors spending more pastoral time with Area Overseers and Cell Leaders
  • Regular cell meetings and fellowships
  • Zonal huddles and camps

c. Reaching out to others

  • Easter evangelistic services with guest speakers Pastor Ken Teo and Li Nanxing
  • Outreach service in June with Chef Heman Tan

RENEW: What Can We Do Better Together

1. Church calendar from July to December 2018:

- A 40-day call to fast and pray for ourselves and the nation (1 July – 9 August)

- One Thing Gathering (19-21 July)

- Solemn Assemblies in Pentecost Methodist Church (29 July – 4 August)

- Church 27th Anniversary (26 August)

- Strategic Planning by Elders and Senior Leadership Team (July and September)

- English Adults Leaders Retreat (7-9 September)

- Christmas Cell Outreach (December)

- Christmas Evangelistic Service (23 December)

2. In view of the spiritual rhythm above, what can we do better together in the last half of 2018?

a. Drawing closer to God

    How? Through 40 days of prayer and fasting. In 2 Chronicles 7:13-14, there are four things God wants us to do:

i. Humble ourselves by fasting

ii.  Pray and intercede for ourselves, families, church and nation

iii. Seek His face by waiting upon the Lord, delighting in Him and hearing His voice

iv. Turn from our wicked ways by seeking forgiveness, repenting from our sins and carnal lifestyle, and putting God first

And when we commit to do the above, there are three things God promises to do. He will:

i. Hear from Heaven

ii.  Forgive our sins

iii. Heal our land

In addition, the practical results of prayer and fasting will lead us to:
- Deeper intimacy with God
- Greater spiritual clarity
- Stronger faith and prayer life
- Personal breakthroughs
- Greater love for others

b. Drawing closer to each other

  • Pray more for each other
  • Have more fellowship meals
  • Serve the needy with RiverLife Community Services
  • Go for year-end mission trips

c. Reaching out to others

  • Take advantage of these uncertain times by offering the hope of Christ (Colossians 4:5-6)
  • Individually or as a cell, pray for the salvation of Friends, Relatives, Associates and Neighbours (FRAN), invite them to your cell Christmas party in December, or to the church Christmas service on 23 December.

Discussion Questions

1. Looking back at the last six months in your journey with Jesus, what have been your joys and your tears? Your blessings and your struggles? Share both your ups and downs and how the cell can encourage and pray for you. [15 min]

2. Read Isaiah 40:3-5. In this key scripture for RiverLife in 2018, God commanded us to prepare the way of the Lord by:

a. raising up the valley

b. making low the mountain and hill, and

c. smoothening the rough ground and rugged places.

How have you been doing in any of these in your faith journey in the last six months? What have been your challenges? What are the fruits of your labour?   [15 min]

3. Read 2 Chronicles 7:13-14. How do you plan to put into practice the spiritual rhythm of drawing closer to God, drawing closer to each other, and reaching out to others in the next six months?    [15 min]